Posted 3 April 2022

Home-Schooling Means I Have to be a Stay-at-Home Parent

Busting Home-Schooling Myths

By Lizzie Young

MYTH: I need to be a stay-at-home parent to home-school my kids. 


Whether or not you need to stay at home to home-school is entirely dependent on you, but it is not the only option.  

There are plenty of methods for home-schooling, and none of them are limited by time. If you work full-time, have you considered sharing the load with a trusted friend or family member?

The beauty of Kingdomcity School and home-schooling in general is that, the older they get, the more independent their learning becomes.  

    But I, for one, am SO grateful for the early years of being able to form bonds with my kids through sitting at the kitchen table and watching as they learn; having picnics in the backyard, just because; or reading to them at ‘Poetry Tea Time’!  

    I wouldn’t trade these moments for the world.  

    Yes, patience is required. Grace is required. No one is saying you won’t have hard days. I have personally had to apologise to my kids for falling short in both these areas; but what better way will we, as parents, learn to grow in patience and grace than practicing with our own children?  

    One day, my children won’t be small anymore. They’ll be big; and my time with them will be short. Yet I’ll never forget the days, weeks, and even years that I’ve gotten to share with them while they grow up. Moments like teaching them how to read would be lost if I didn’t have the chance to home-school them.